
Sweet Escape

One does not remember the last time, how long or how many times experiencing something unless it is experienced again. It has become so common of us to not take note of sweet simple gestures unless we have something to remind us of it - something to finally make us remember.

My day started unusually glum - I had to process requirements again for my admission and went through a rigorous screening for the application in the college of medicine. Take note, that initial screening is just for qualifying if I'm fit to take their exam. I do believe I'll undergo more extrenuous interviews in the future, not to mention the exam itself, before I even get to enter their prestige University. Imagine the tiredness, sleepiness, and nervousness I was feeling. Phew! Please don't even let me get started with that. So yes, I have not been having the greatest morning. I came home still kind of sullen and found nobody else around but our dogs. GREAT. Another reason to think much of the past events of the morning. But then, something caught my eye above our TV set. Upon looking at it, it has instantly made my day.

I have not come to realize that the last time I have received a mailed letter (as in snail-mailed, handwritten, and personally addressed to me) was when I was on the 2nd grade. And that was even from my bestfriend (I remember Monica was her name) at that time; and it was a subject requirement. Haha! But that still counts, right? Since then, all I've been receiving were letters here and there from school admissions, licensure exams and graduate/alumni stuff. Come to think of it, in my entire life, I've only received 2 letters - including this one I'm holding now.

For the longest time, I've not been surprised this much. I'm just so happy. The mere thought of having someone to go that extra mile than just greeting me on my birthday is enough to make me abashed. It's the sweetest thing, really. 
The letter's from one of my Japanese students. He gave me a greeting card for my birthday. The letter enclosed in it was just simple, including a lot of thank you's for all the help and birthday greeting. What touched me more was he still thought of sending me a card even if on the day of my gaiety is also the day he's undergoing a major surgery. I'm just so touched and overwhelmed. 

During these modern times, it has been made easy for us to communicate with anyone who's anywhere else in the world. So long as there's an internet connection, whoala! One is few clicks away from greeting, conversing and having fun with friends. But personally, I think no advance technology can beat that sense of on-hand experience one can have with seasoned ways. After 22 years, I finally received my second letter :)
Yes, the first thing I did upon seeing it was to pose for the camera!XD
Isn't this the cutest thing? :)
The card's made from cloth-like material.
Oopsie! Y'all have my address now. Haha!

Thank you so much my dearest Yozo-san for this wonderful letter. I'm really happy for it. It only proves that I have found a friend in you. :)


karlalauren said...

Ang cute ng sulat. Pang Japanese pa din! Haha

edzdeline said...

May blogspot ka pala?! Hahaha I followed you. :D

Anyway, onga eh. Ang kyut kyut.XD

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