
Chocolates can not solely symbolize love. :))

After such a surly mood last night, I made up today with heavenly peace and all gleeful bashfulness one can all gather up in one morning. Haha Too melodramatic. Forgive me, I've been deeply compelled to Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights lately. So anyhoo, before I stork to another topic, let me share as to why a sudden turn of emotions. :)

Friends and acquaintances will surely agree that Sam and I are not the sweetest of couples - in the public eyes, at least. And maybe that has been the ultimate secret of our relationship. We keep things cool, relaxed, fun and without boundaries. That's how we've been. That's how we are. That's how we'll always be.

This morning, as we were exchanging text messages (as it is rare nowadays compared to how we used to before because of conflicting schedules), he happen to share a certain commercial which he  cannot help but associate with me. 

Coffee mate's latest commercial. :)
After watching it too, I fully understood his fussing about it. Apart from it being a short, cute ad, it is no doubt us. "We" are that couple. In more ways than one, it epitomizes us. :)

... and that made me feel so much loved. 

... and that also made me miss him more. <3


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