
Shout-outs to random people II

I kind of started this years ago on my Multiply account. Things I want to but cannot say in person because yes, I'm such a coward and yes, even if I can sometimes be rude, I don't think it's fair to be directly blunt to everyone. So, here goes:

You are one helluva plastic bitch. I sincerely mean that. How can there be a liar, fake and egotistic mammal hiding behind that happy mask of yours? Up til this day, I still can't comprehend you. Seems like, everything is a competition for you, eh? Well, whatevs. I'll get over you. I no longer have to see you on a daily basis anyway.

I have embraced our differences already - sort of. You're no longer that irritating for me. I mean, your old ways are still there - rude, boastful, a-hole. But still, you're kind of more acceptable right now than you were years ago. Amazing how the University changed you. I do hope you learn more. It suits you, really. :)

I hate you. The minute I heard you introducing yourself in front of class, I already hated you. You're the epitome of a controlling, nagging, self-righteous, selfish girl. You want to be alone, you say? Yeah, good luck with that. As Jay Manuel puts it, "...attitude can spread like a brush fire and then no one will touch you no matter how great you are "

You seriously need some help, brother. I really do think it's time to acknowledge that fact. It doesn't even mean that you're incapable; it only goes to show that you know you can't do everything and sometimes, things are just beyond your (our) control. You see, with what you're doing now, you're not only dwelling on the problem (which is counter-productive), but you're also throwing away everything you currently have. So, piece of advice, snap out of it! Or else, you just might end up one day, shocked that everything you held on true and important are gone - sailed away, far beyond your reach, along with all the problems you kept trying to control.

So here's your prize for pissing/touching me. A spot on my blog! Isn't that such an honor? Haha


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