
Just when I really need to get things done...

...I don't.

I have come to realize that all I ever did this vacation was eat, sleep, watch tv series, eat again and eat some more. As if my body still need that extra pound. I have sworn like 3 days in a row now to jog but all I actually ever do is wake up when the alarm goes berserk, solve the simple math puzzle (I initially placed with it to keep me from falling back to sleep), and whoala, back to slumber again. Sometimes it amazes me how talented I am at sleeping. It's annoying too, that I've always loved math. There should be like tagalog verses or puzzles there. A good example would be differentiating tagalog parts of sentences from others (i.e. differentiate panag-uri, pang-angkop, pangatnig, etc). That I'm sure will keep my mind twisted for hours before I solve it and won't be able to sleep again.

Oh and yeah, I still even googled that pang-angkop and pangatnig. Haha


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