
The Long Weekend Equation

Sooooo, I've been depressed for the longest time AND not functioning well. Not to mention, lonely. So here are some of the videos I've been killing the replay button for. I do hope you guys enjoy! :)

Right There - Nicole Scherzinger ft. 50 Cent
This I know is such a sexy time song but whatev. I like dancing to it. It just has this ultimate relaxing feel. Haha Or maybe, I just miss clubbing so muuuuuch.

Keep Your Head Up - Andy Grammer
From something sexy, let's skip into something wholesome now, shall we? :) Since I started blogging, I've been looking for inspirational videos every now and then and post them here. As of now, here's as inspirational as it gets. I do like this song, more so the artist - such 'tagos-sa-puso' lyrics and overflowing talent. Thank you for Billboard's Top 100 for introducing me to this lovely find. :)

Bad Teacher, 2011
It's been awhile since I equated funny to a movie. I must say, THIS IS A MUST-SEE. On the trailer alone, I've been laughing my guts out already (though I haven't watched it yet, nor downloaded it - soon I hope). Such a hilarious film perfect for a suicidal student like me. Haha

T.G.I.F. - Katy Perry
And here my friends, is such an overly-funny MV. I swear by this video. Haha! I was only able to watch it a few secs ago (sorry, I've been REAL busy, you know), and I must say, I really can't help but play it over and over and over again. It was such a treat seeing Katy Perry this funny coupled with tons of fave artists. Honestly though, I didn't know that the Hansons still has a career. Anyhoo, it has been nice to see them again. Brings me back to my old 3rd grade self. :) Plus plus plus! Awesome glee stars - Darren Criss and Kevin McHale. Ha! I died watching this video. And not to mention, Rebecca Black. I had no idea that she's likable. Haha 

Sooooo this prolly will be my last entry for this day (or month). Thank goodness for long weekends. Writing, blogging, surfing I missed! ♥

Unfamiliar plane

And it's one of those nights wherein you feel alone, depressed and uncalled for. 
It's hard to be depressed, mind you. A lot of people claim they are when they only think they are. 
When you're already in it, you honestly can't shout it out the whole world just because you do not want where you're currently at.
You don't like your predisposition. You want a way out only, you can't.
You can't because you have your worst enemy. And it's yourself - more particularly, your mind.
Sometimes you actually think you're crazy, having all these thoughts, these 'plans'.
And it's not good; it can never be. 
But most of the time you just want someone to talk to, more so, to listen. 
And you can find no one around - not because there ain't any, but because true friends are rare these days.
Friends who won't pass any judgment; friends who will directly tell when they do have made some judgments. 
I miss my friends.
I miss myself.
Somehow, some way, I have lost her. And I better find her soon else, I'd be alone, empty, shallow
and lonely in this endless pit. 

What's the best way to deal with depression?

What's the best way to deal with depression?

Answer here


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