Right There - Nicole Scherzinger ft. 50 Cent
This I know is such a sexy time song but whatev. I like dancing to it. It just has this ultimate relaxing feel. Haha Or maybe, I just miss clubbing so muuuuuch.Keep Your Head Up - Andy Grammer
From something sexy, let's skip into something wholesome now, shall we? :) Since I started blogging, I've been looking for inspirational videos every now and then and post them here. As of now, here's as inspirational as it gets. I do like this song, more so the artist - such 'tagos-sa-puso' lyrics and overflowing talent. Thank you for Billboard's Top 100 for introducing me to this lovely find. :)Bad Teacher, 2011
It's been awhile since I equated funny to a movie. I must say, THIS IS A MUST-SEE. On the trailer alone, I've been laughing my guts out already (though I haven't watched it yet, nor downloaded it - soon I hope). Such a hilarious film perfect for a suicidal student like me. HahaT.G.I.F. - Katy Perry
And here my friends, is such an overly-funny MV. I swear by this video. Haha! I was only able to watch it a few secs ago (sorry, I've been REAL busy, you know), and I must say, I really can't help but play it over and over and over again. It was such a treat seeing Katy Perry this funny coupled with tons of fave artists. Honestly though, I didn't know that the Hansons still has a career. Anyhoo, it has been nice to see them again. Brings me back to my old 3rd grade self. :) Plus plus plus! Awesome glee stars - Darren Criss and Kevin McHale. Ha! I died watching this video. And not to mention, Rebecca Black. I had no idea that she's likable. Haha Sooooo this prolly will be my last entry for this day (or month). Thank goodness for long weekends. Writing, blogging, surfing I missed! ♥